- What I am most proud of in my Lesson 2 Presentation is, my visuals and props that I provided to my audience. I felt that my visuals and props gave my audience a better understanding and more of a clearer picture, than what I was providing vocally.
- If I were to assess myself on my Lesson 2 Presentation, I would give myself a P; due to my lesson plan and presentation meeting all requirements for P consideration. My volume, eye contact, content clarity, and powerpoint was precise and clear; along with my references to my research, examples, and mentorship.
- What worked for me in my Lesson 2 Presentation was, addressing and interacting with my audience; because it kept the class alive and not boring.
- What I would have done differently to improve upon my Lesson 2 Presentation, would have to be my activity. Although my activity was not boring and interactive, it was just not as lively as I wanted it to be.
- I think my second answer for my essential question would be, that Labor and Delivery Nurses must be able to cope, keep calm, move quick, understand, and handle stress in any type of situation, all while being professional at the same time.