Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Blog 10: Essential Question

1. I have reviewed the rule of three, for writing an EQ.

2. Review the following EQs, tell if each EQ meets the rule of three, why, and why they do not. 
  • What is the most important factor in healthy weight loss?
    • The question above calls for research, is not a yes or no question, takes a stance for allowing some sort of argument, and is somewhat specific, allowing this essential question to meet the rule of three.
  • What is most important to securing a conviction in criminal investigation?
    • This question requires a framework of studies and research, is not a yes or no question, allows for points of argument, and is specific, allowing this essential question to meet the rule of three. 
  • What is most important in creating a hairstyle that best satisfies a customer?
    • This question does not require any depth of research, but it can be argued with. Due to the lack of research and specifiability, this question does not meet the requirements for the rule of three. 
  • How can an anesthesiologist best treat chronic pain?
    • The above question requires for some very in depth research, allows the topic and points to be argued about, and is very specific in the direction where the answer should be, allowing the question to meet the rule of three. 
3.  Write another EQ draft for your senior project.
  • Based on my review of the rule of three and assessing four essential questions, I believe that my current essential question, How can a Labor and Delivery Nurse ensure a successful delivery?, meets all the requirements for the rule of three. 
  • For example, in order to answer my essential question one must research and be educated on my topic. My question can also be argued with facts, statistics, and opinions. As far as my question being specific, I believe that is specific enough for me to build a good ground of foundation for research, and is informative enough to where I may have three best answers. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Blog 9: Lesson 1 Reflection

1. What are you most proud of in your Lesson 1 Presentation and why?
  • What I am most proud of in my Lesson 1 Presentation, is that I referred back to my sources and was confident in the information I was presenting. I also had the classes full attention, due to my volume and interesting props. 
2. What assessment would you give yourself on your Lesson 1 Presentation? Explain why you deserve that grade. 
  • If I were to assess myself on my Lesson 1 Presentation, I would give myself a P; due to my lesson plan and presentation meeting all requirements for P consideration. My volume, eye contact, and content clarity was precise and clear; along with my references to my research, mentorship, and interviews. 
3. What worked for you in your Lesson 1 Presentation?
  • What worked for me in my Lesson 1 Presentation, were my props and interaction with my audience. My quick and fun activity with the birthing ball I had presented, went very well and succeeded in grabbing the classes attention.  
4. What would you have done differently to improve your Lesson 1 Presentation?
  • What I would've done differently on my Lesson 1 Presentation, was not to get so nervous before I'd presented. I still tend to get a bit nervous before presenting, even though I have been doing this for quite some time now. Because I had gotten so nervous, I had forgotten and skipped over some valuable and important information on research and facts. 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Not What I'm Used To..

  • My mentor Deborah, has been presenting an STD presentation to the Baldwin Park Police Department's delinquents, for quite some time now. When she had invited me to attend the presentation with her, I had no hesitation accepting her invitation. Although I have to admit, I was a bit nervous. 
  • When we arrived at Baldwin Park High School, the first thing I noticed was the clothing of the delinquents. They were all dressed in sweatsuits with their last names across the back of their shoulders, and were accompanied by police officers around the room. Both my mentor and police officers had warned me about the hoodlum's possible behaviors and reactions. 
  • Surprisingly, the presentation went better then expected, due to the small group of hoodlums and their behaviors. They all took the presentation very seriously, participated, and asked questions; except for two boys who were too embarrassed to look at the graphic pictures and giggled the whole time. The questions and comments that some of the delinquents had made, were quite shocking and surprising due to their lack of knowledge and resources; and because of that, my mentor had me pass out her business card for any additional questions. Police officers even took her card!